I was in charge of designing the company logo

I was in charge of designing the company logo

Project Overview

Alliance of Voters is a non-partisan group whose goal is to remove barriers to democratic participation by providing online voter registration, as well as providing a wealth of resources.

The Challenge

Since AoV has a very focused goal -to increase voter participation and legislative engagement- the information on their website was way too crowded and disorganized to be useful. My team’s goal was to find out how users interacted with the website and see where hotspots of user confusion occurred, which would help us with solving the correct problem.

My Role: UX Writer

IMG_20190801_144905 (1).jpg

Tools & Methods

  • Heuristic Evaluation

  • Surveys

  • Baseline Usability Testing

  • User Interviews

  • Competitive/Comparative Analysis

  • Persona

  • Prototyping and testing with InVision

  • Design with Figma


Salience is key

Navigation bar:

Since our users rely on triggers when they are motivated and able to complete the task, instructions and simplified steps are vital. So I increased the perceived ability by providing step by step instructions, as well as using “tunneling,” which assisted the focus of the task we wanted users to complete.

Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at 3.36.36 PM.png

Reduce Voter Registration issues

In order to remove barriers for underrepresented voter communities like immigrant families, women, and people of color, I prioritized the registration process for the entire site flow.

Registration Page.png

Membership clarity

The alliance’s goal is to encourage everyone to participate, but the current layout is vague, almost exclusionary. So I created a display of the different kind of memberships that someone could sign up for, including a “community” membership, which is just a fancy way of signing up for their newsletter. This kind of positive, affirming language aligns the business goal of more engagement to the website, as well as the user’s goal to participate in current political topics.

AovMembership Page.png